Shipping agent: Your shipments and cargo simply well-arranged

When your ship arrives at the port, you want to have everything arranged properly. Our port agent does the work for you.

Local contacts
Our port agents have all the local contacts you need. From port authorities to towing services, from linesmen to suppliers of oil and fuel. Need a doctor, cash or new nautical charts? We can take care of it.

From coasters to panamaxes
We arrange everything down to the last detail for 1,000-ton coasters, but also for 70,000-ton panamaxes that are in port for fourteen days. Thanks to good contacts with local providers and port authorities, every call takes place without any problems. We have done this every single day for over thirty years.

How can we help you?
Feel free to call or email us. This can be done via +31 10 324 00 60 or Just tell us what you need, and we’ll arrange it.

People working in this department:
Dusan Jojic

Dusan Jojic

Gert Kuipers

Gert Kuipers